Dynamism of the Game, psychology, emotions:
The game is very fast - just seconds from serve to spike. The systems of attack and defence together with the skills involved make volleyball very dynamic and the plays are embedded in strategy and tactics. Top teams use statistical packages to analyse their own and their opponent's play to formulate their game plan.

Combination attacks - three or four attackers can be involved in a combination attack - simultaneously they all make their attack run, just one gets the ball. The setter will use different attackers on each attack run using different tempo (paced) balls set to variable heights and the opposition must decide where to defend.

Slide attack - one attacker may run behind the setter to attack the ball using a one leg take off and 'sliding' along the net.

Dives - extreme defence action. The taller attackers are sometimes seen as less agile but this is not always the case.

Moments - there are also moments in the game which can bring pleasure or pain depending on the result such as deciding whether the the ball is going out of court, watching to see if the opposition picks up your blocked ball.

The court is a place to see game psychology in action mixed with tactical observation and of course emotions.
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The coach in volleyball is central to every team, they are the seventh member ‘on court’ and teams can win or lose according to the skills of their coach.
There are only a few female international coaches - Ping Lang, who coached the USA Women to Olympic silver in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games and China to gold in the 2016 Rio de Janeiro Olympic Games was one exception. England's Audrey Cooper was head coach of the GB Women's team up to 2012.
Many often settle within a specific area of coaching - e.g. club, junior, senior or national. Strength and conditioning coaches often also support teams.