Game Support
The Game Support gallery covers all those people who help teams, run events and organisations that surround the volleyball world - referees, national and club team managers, physiotherapists, sport psychologists, statistics teams and administrators.
Referees are integral to the game and take their roles very seriously. Some work hard to earn the right to referee top international matches and England has contributed 24 referees to this pool with several currently active at international indoor, beach and the sitting and standing volleyball games for people with disabilities. Several of the Home Nations referees have reached top positions in the World and European Volleyball and Paravolley Federations' structures.
All the Home Nations have well organised referee commissions. Alongside the referees at an event are scorers, lines people, ball collectors, courtside managers, statistics collectors and event organisers.
Team managers work with both club and national teams where their remit can be long. Physiotherapists with the national teams often work unpaid applying their expertise for acute injury and preventative work. Sport scientists in disciplines such as psychology and nutrition are used by top clubs and national teams.
Administrators include those working with clubs, commissions, and the volleyball associations.
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