Barbara Totterdell - Publication History


Books: including those specific to the sport across several editions such as Know the Game, Skills of the Game, Through the Net, Play the Game, Volleyball: International Rules, Setting: The Mechanics to the Art, Strategies of Team Management through Volleyball. Educational Books such as A Sense of Place, Changing Moods, Live Wire Starters and books published by Volleyball Associations - such as GCSE volleyball, International rule and scorer's handbooks.

Magazines and Part Works - including women's titles, health titles, general sport, TV listings and extensively in sport specific titles. These include Cosmopolitan, Zest, Elle, Sports Teacher, Sainsbury magazine, Health and Fitness, Step Forward, Arena, Whats On and national and international volleyball publications.

Newspapers accompanying reports/articles and including English and Scottish National broadsheets, tabloids and their magazines, local papers, sport titles including Daily Telegraph and T2 Telegraph, Sunday Times, Evening Standard, Mail on Sunday (Scotland), The Herald (Glasgow), The Times Saturday magazine, Daily Mirror Extra, Hackney Gazette, The Voice, Mercury, News Shopper, Sport First.

Inhouse journals and publications, technical journals for Companies, Government Sports Bodies, Sports Industry, Public Relations.

Corporate literature - Non sport companies and extensive sport specific. Sport development units, local council material., college and school literature, AGM reports, corporate brochures and strategy documents, publicity posters, newsletters, banners, leaflets, postcards and displays.

Volleyball England Hall of Fame - 69% of the photographs (1988 - 2011) permanently displayed

Digital - Websites: volleyball associations and related sites - news pages, home headers and sub page headers, news pages for education websites - college, school, company websites and e-newsletters.

TV - stills in volleyball specific programmes

Reports and articles for local papers, sport and volleyball specific magazines and books. (Co editor for Volleyball World (English Volleyball Association) - two years, editor of Spike - 1 year (independent publisher)

Current work - writing, editing and research for a book covering the history of the Volleyball Association(s) in Great Britain
1955 - present.

NUJ, IFJ and Bapla member

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All photographs/images © BM Totterdell, all rights reserved, all moral rights asserted.

Build-Up to Olympics 2012: